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作者: 时间:2023-09-20 微信分享:










主要研究成果:在Cell Reports (2023), EMBO Journal (2023), PNAS (2023), Nature Metabolism (2022 2021), Nature Communications (2018), EMBO Rep (2022 2021),Science Bulletin (2019),JBC (2017), Nature (2013), Nature Cell Biology (2013, 2011)等期刊发表学术论文20篇。



(1)      工作人员:李莉 助理研究员;李薇 主管技师

(2)      直博生:张振西(毕业于华中农业大学)司玙璠(毕业于中国农业大学)

       陈 杨(毕业于北京大学医学部)

(3)      博士生:郭 唱(毕业于四川大学)

(4)      硕士生:李皓月(毕业于南京中医药大学)程润宁(毕业于苏州大学)


(5)      协和4+4临床试点班 :秋昱翀(毕业于北京大学)






孙会姗(2020年博士毕业)赵 丹(2020年硕士毕业)










Email: wenjingdu@ibms.pumc.edu.cn;  wjdu123@hotmail.com























1)      Yang Yanting, Zhang Zhenxi, Li Wei, Si Yufan, Li Li, Du Wenjing*. αKG-driven RNA polymerase II transcription of cyclin D1 licenses malic enzyme 2 to promote cell-cycle progression. Cell Reports, 2023, Jul 25;42(7):112770.

2)      Li Wei#, Kou Junjie#, Zhang Zhenxi, Li Haoyue, Li Li, Du Wenjing*. Cellular redox homeostasis maintained by malic enzyme 2 is essential for MYC-driven T-cell lymphomagenesis. PNAS, 2023, Jun 6;120(23):e2217869120.

3)      Yang Yanting, Zhang Zhenxi, Li Wei, Li Li, Zhou Ying, Du Wenjing*. ME2 Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration through Pyruvate. Metabolites. 2023 Apr 10;13(4):540.

4)      Yao Pengbo, Zhang Zhenxi, Liu Hongchao, Jiang Peng, Li Wei, Du Wenjing*. p53 protects against alcoholic fatty liver disease via ALDH2 inhibition. EMBO Journal, 2023 Apr 17;42(8):e112304.

5)      Yao Pengbo#, Chen Taiqi#, Jiang Peng, Li Li, Du Wenjing*. Functional skewing of TRIM21-SIRT5 interplay dictates IL-1β production in DSS-induced colitis. EMBO Reports. 2022 Jun 30;e54391. doi: 10.15252/embr.202154391.

6)      Zhang Zhenxi, Du Wenjing*. Malic enzyme 2 as a therapeutic target for cancer: comments on 'Malic enzyme 2 maintains protein stability of mutant p53 through 2-hydroxyglutarate'. J Mol Cell Biol. 2022 Apr 18;mjac024. doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjac024.

7)      Zhao Mengjia#, Yao Pengbo#, Mao Youxiang#, Wu Jinjun#, Wang Weihua, Geng Chenhui, Cheng Jie, Du Wenjing*, Jiang Peng*. Malic enzyme 2 maintains protein stability of mutant p53 through 2-hydroxyglutarate. Nature Metabolism. 2022 Feb;4(2):225-238

8)      Sun Huishan#, Li Li#, Li Wei#, Yang Fan, Zhang Zhenxi, Liu Zizhao, Du Wenjing*. p53 transcriptionally regulates SQLE to repress cholesterol synthesis and tumor growth. EMBO Reports. 2021 Aug 30:e52537. doi: 10.15252/embr.202152537

9)      Li Wei #; Kou Junjie #; Qin Junyin #; Li Li; Zhang Zhenxi; Pan Ying; Xue Yi *; Du Wenjing*; NADPH levels affect cellular epigenetic state by inhibiting HDAC3Ncor complex. Nature Metabolism, 2021, 3(1): 75-89.

10)      Yang Fan#; Kou Junjie#; Li Wei; Du Wenjing*; MYC Enhances Cholesterol Biosynthesis and Supports Cell Proliferation Through SQLE, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9:655889

11)      Zhang Zhenxi, Su Jingyu, Li Li*, Du Wenjing*. Identification of precise therapeutic targets and characteristic prognostic genes based on immune gene characteristics in uveal melanoma. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.666462

12)      Zhao Mengjia; Jiang Peng; Du Wenjing*; MYC retards cancer cell migration through suppressing fibronectin expression, Science Bulletin, 2019, 64(11): 715-717. 

13)      Li, Le#; Li, Lijia#; Li, Wei; Chen, Taiqi; Bin Zou; Zhao, Lina; Wang, Huili; Wang, Xueying; Xu, Lina; Liu, Xiaohui; Wang, Dong; Li, Bo; Mak, Tak W; Du, Wenjing*; Yang, Xiaolu*; Jiang, Peng*; TAp73-induced phosphofructokinase-1 transcription promotes the Warburg effect and enhances cell proliferation., Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1): 4683-4683. 

14)      Yao, Pengbo; Sun, Huishan; Xu, Chang; Chen, Taiqi; Zou, Bing; Jiang, Peng*; Du, Wenjing*; Evidence for a direct cross-talk between malic enzyme and the pentose phosphate pathway via structural interactions, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017, 292(41): 17113-17120. 

15)      Du, Wenjing#; Jiang, Peng#; Mancuso, Anthony; Stonestrom, Aaron; Brewer, Michael D; Minn, Andy J; Mak, Tak W; Wu, Mian*; Yang, Xiaolu*; TAp73 enhances the pentose phosphate pathway and supports cell proliferation., Nat Cell Biol, 2013, 15(8): 991-1000.  Notes: cover story and featured in News & Views in this issue.

16)      Jiang, Peng#; Du, Wenjing#; Mancuso, Anthony; Wellen, Kathryn E; Yang, Xiaolu*; Reciprocal regulation of p53 and malic enzymes modulates metabolism and senescence., Nature, 2013, 493(7434): 689-693.  Notes: Highlighted in journal Cell Research.

17)      Jiang, Peng#; Du, Wenjing#; Wang, Xingwu; Mancuso, Anthony; Gao, Xiang; Wu, Mian*; Yang, Xiaolu*; p53 regulates biosynthesis through direct inactivation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase., Nat Cell Biol, 2011, 13(3): 310-316. Notes: cover story and featured in News & Views in this issue. Highlighted in Nature Chemical Biology.

18)      Du, Wenjing#; Jiang, Peng#; Li, Nan; Mei, Yide; Wang, Xingwu; Wen, Longping; Yang, Xiaolu*; Wu, Mian*; Suppression of p53 activity by Siva1., Cell Death Differ, 2009, 16(11): 1493-1504.

19)      Jiang, Peng#; Du, Wenjing#; Heese, Klaus; Wu, Mian*; The Bad guy cooperates with good cop p53: Bad is transcriptionally up-regulated by p53 and forms a Bad/p53 complex at the mitochondria to induce apoptosis., Mol Cell Biol, 2006, 26(23): 9071-9082. 

20)      Li Le; Mao Youxiang; Zhao Lina; Li Lijia; Wu Jinjun; Zhao Mengjia; Du Wenjing; Yu Li; Jiang Peng*; p53 regulation of ammonia metabolism through urea cycle controls polyamine biosynthesis, Nature, 2019, 567(7747): 253-+.  

21)      Jiang, Peng*; Du, Wenjing; Wu, Mian*; Regulation of the pentose phosphate pathway in cancer., Protein Cell, 2014, 5(8): 592-602. 

22)      Jiang, Peng; Du, Wenjing; Yang, Xiaolu*; A critical role of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in TAp73-mediated cell proliferation., Cell Cycle, 2013, 12(24): 3720-3726. 

23)      Jiang, Peng; Du, Wenjing; Yang, Xiaolu*; p53 and regulation of tumor metabolism., J Carcinog, 2013, 12: 21-21. 

24)      Wang, Xingwu; Zha, Meng; Zhao, Xiaocheng; Jiang, Peng; Du, Wenjing; Tam, Andrew Y H; Mei, Yide*; Wu, Mian*; Siva1 inhibits p53 function by acting as an ARF E3 ubiquitin ligase., Nat Commun, 2013, 4: 1551-1551.

25)      Li, Nan; Jiang, Peng; Du, Wenjing; Wu, Zhengsheng; Li, Cong; Qiao, Mengran; Yang, Xiaolu*; Wu, Mian*; Siva1 suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis of tumor cells by inhibiting stathmin and stabilizing microtubules., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011, 108(31): 12851-12856. 

26)      Wu, Jiawen; Yang, Yinshan; Zhang, Jiahai; Ji, Peng; Du, Wenjing; Jiang, Peng; Xie, Dinghai; Huang, Hongda; Wu, Mian; Zhang, Guangzhao; Wu, Jihui*; Shi, Yunyu*; Domain-swapped dimerization of the second PDZ domain of ZO2 may provide a structural basis for the polymerization of claudins., J Biol Chem, 2007, 282(49): 35988-35999. 

27)      Jiang, Peng; Du, Wenjing; Wu, Mian*; p53 and Bad: remote strangers become close friends., Cell Res, 2007, 17(4): 283-285. 

28)      Ma, L; Huang, Y; Song, Z; Feng, S; Tian, X; Du, W; Qiu, X; Heese, K; Wu, M*; Livin promotes Smac/DIABLO degradation by ubiquitin-proteasome pathway., Cell Death Differ, 2006, 13(12): 2079-2088. 

29)      Mei, Yide; Du, Wenjing; Yang, Yonghui; Wu, Mian*; Puma(*)Mcl-1 interaction is not sufficient to prevent rapid degradation of Mcl-1., Oncogene, 2005, 24(48): 7224-7237.