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科研成果: “Structure of the heterophilic interaction between the nectin-like 4 and nectin-like 1 molecules”
作者: 时间:2019-05-24 微信分享:

导读:彭小忠课题组于2019年2月在Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 杂志发表研究论文“Structure of the heterophilic interaction between the nectin-like 4 and nectin-like 1 molecules”。文章通过对神经发育相关细胞粘附分子Necl4以及Necl4-Necl1复合物的晶体结构进行解析,阐明了细胞粘附分子同源与异源相互作用的机制。 


      细胞粘附分子可以通过同一细胞上的顺式相互作用及细胞与细胞间反式相互作用,介导细胞-细胞间的接触,在多器官生物的发育过程及多种与细胞粘附过程紊乱相关的疾病进程中发挥重要作用。突触粘附分子Nectin-like 4 (Necl4)是Ca2+非依赖性的免疫球蛋白样细胞粘附分子,属于Necl家族成员。该家族由Necl 1-5等五个成员组成(其中Necl-1为该课题组于1999年克隆得到,并提交Genbank数据库)。Necl家族成员间的同源、异源相互作用,在突触形成、轴突导向、髓鞘化、空间学习及记忆、阿尔兹海默症、自闭症、病毒感染等诸多生物学进程中发挥重要作用,其蛋白结构的解析对理解这些分子在生理及病理过程中的作用极为重要。 

      彭小忠课题组前期与Louisville大学邱猛生教授合作发现Necl1能参与到神经发育过程中的髓鞘化过程(J Neurosci 28, 12815-12819),之后有研究表明胶质细胞表达Necl4和神经元轴突上的Necl1通过异源相互作用来调控神经系统髓鞘化过程。但是Necl家族成员间相互作用的特征尚未完全揭示,比如Necl1被证实能同源相互作用形成同源二聚体,但Necl4能否形成同源二聚体目前尚有争议。而其中的结构基础更是鲜为人知,特别是Necl4由于复杂的糖基化修饰和柔性的线性分子特征,胞外段蛋白结晶及晶体结构的解析尚未见任何报道。 

      本研究通过生物化学和结构生物学证实了Necl1能形成同源二聚体,但Necl4不能形成同源二聚体,同时Necl4- Necl1的异源相互作用强于Necl1- Necl1的同源相互作用。当mNecl1存在时,mNecl4的F-G-loop可参与其由结合力较弱的单体形式向较强的异源二聚体形式的诱导转变(如图)。 



【摘要】Nectin-like (Necl) molecules are Ca2+-independent Ig-like transmembrane cell adhesion molecules that participate in junctions between different cell types. The specific cell–cell adhesions mediated by Necl proteins are important in neural development and have been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we present the crystal structure of the mouse Necl-4 full ectodomain and the structure of the heterophilic Necl ectodomain complex formed by the mNecl-4 and mNecl-1 ectodomains. We demonstrate that, while the ectodomain of mNecl-4 is monomeric, it forms a stable heterodimer with Ig1 of mNecl-1, with an affinity significantly higher than that observed for self-dimerization of the mNecl-1 ectodomain. We validated our structural characterizations by performing a surface plasmon resonance assay and an Fc fusion protein binding assay in mouse primary dorsal root ganglia neurites and Schwann cells and identified a selection of residues important for heterophilic interactions. Finally, we proposed a model of Necl binding specificity that involves an induced-fit conformational change at the dimerization interface. 
