导读: 本重点实验室免疫学系暨中国医学科学院免疫治疗研究中心曹雪涛院士课题组和第二军医大学医学免疫学国家重点实验室的侯晋教授联合攻关,证实RNA解旋酶DDX46能使抗病毒转录子的mRNA发生去m6A甲基化修饰从而形成核滞留,进而参与抑制抗病毒天然免疫。这一重要的免疫表观调控新机制发表在8月29日的《自然免疫学》(Nature Immunology)杂志上,文章题目“The RNA helicase DDX46 inhibits innate immunity by entrapping m6A-demethylated antiviral transcripts in the nucleus”。文章链接:https://www.nature.com/ni/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ni.3830.html。
【摘要】:DEAD-box (DDX) helicases are vital for the recognition of RNA and metabolism and are critical for the initiation of antiviral innate immunity. Modification of RNA is involved in many biological processes; however, its role in antiviral innate immunity has remained unclear. Here we found that nuclear DDX member DDX46 inhibited the production of type I interferons after viral infection. DDX46 bound Mavs, Traf3 and Traf6 transcripts (which encode signaling molecules involved in antiviral responses) via their conserved CCGGUU element. After viral infection, DDX46 recruited ALKBH5, an ‘eraser’ of the RNA modification N6-methyladenosine (m6A), via DDX46’s DEAD helicase domain to demethylate those m6A-modified antiviral transcripts. It consequently enforced their retention in the nucleus and therefore prevented their translation and inhibited interferon production. DDX46 also suppressed antiviral innate immunity in vivo. Thus, DDX46 inhibits antiviral innate responses by entrapping selected antiviral transcripts in the nucleus by erasing their m6A modification, a modification normally required for export from the nucleus and translation.