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科研成果:黄波-“Reversing drug resistance of soft tumor-repopulating cells by tumor cell-derived chemotherapeutic microparticles”
作者: 时间:2016-05-17 微信分享:

科研成果:黄波课题组在《cell research 杂志发表研究论文”Reversing drug resistance of soft tumor-repopulating cells by tumor cell-derived chemotherapeutic microparticles (2016)."


【摘要】:Developing novel approaches to reverse the drug resistance of tumor-repopulating cells (TRCs) or stem cell-like cancer cells is an urgent clinical need to improve outcomes of cancer patients. Here we show an innovative approach that reverses drug resistance of TRCs using tumor cell-derived microparticles (T-MPs) containing anti-tumor drugs. TRCs, by virtue of being more deformable than differentiated cancer cells, preferentially take up T-MPs that release anti-tumor drugs after entering cells, which in turn lead to death of TRCs. The underlying mechanisms include interfering with drug efflux and promoting nuclear entry of the drugs. Our findings demonstrate the importance of tumor cell softness in uptake of T-MPs and effectiveness of a novel approach in reversing drug resistance of TRCs with promising clinical applications.


相关结果已发表于《cell research 杂志(10.1038/cr.2016.53),其作者为黄波课题组博士后马婧薇,张一,重点室黄波教授是本文的通讯作者。该研究工作得到了以下基金的支持:The National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB542100 and 2012CB932500), the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (81225021)

Figure 1 Drug-packaging MPs target TRCs in cancer patients with malignant pleural effusion. (A) Malignant pleural effusion fluids from three end-stage lung cancer patients were collected before and after one-week treatment with intrathoracic injection of Cis-MP. A part of cells harvested from the fluids were smeared on glass slides and observed under microscope(magnification = 200×). A part of cells were stained with FITC-labeled anti-CD45 antibody and analyzed with flow cytometry.(B) Cytologic analysis of pleural effusion. The cells in pleural effusion fluids were collected and smeared on glass slides. HE staining showed abundant aggregates of neoplastic cells with conspicuous nucleoli and scanty cytoplasm (magnification =200×) before treatment. After one-week treatment, most tumor cells in the malignant fluids disappeared and abundant small immune cells were left. (C) Malignant pleural effusion fluids from three end-stage lung cancer patients were collected before and after treatment with intrathoracic injection of free Cis for one week. The pleural effusion cells were smeared on glass slides and observed under microscope (magnification = 200×). (D) Formation of spheroids of primary tumor cells cultured in 3D soft fibrin gels. CD45– tumor cells were collected from the pleural effusion fluids and seeded in soft 3D fibrin gels (1 mg/ml,gel stiffness = 90 Pa). Five days later, the spheroids were observed under microscope. Scale bar, 50 μm. (E) Treatment with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs induces TRC drug resistance; however, treatment with chemotherapeutic drug-packaging MPs reverses TRC drug resistance in cancer patients with malignant pleural effusions. See also Supplementary information,Figures S1-S4 and Table S1.